
Psychiatrist Exposes the “Chemical Imbalance” Lie of Her Own Profession in New Book

Psychiatrist Joanna Moncrieff indicts her entire industry for falsely pushing deadly drugs as a “treatment” for depression. Her conclusion: They don’t work. And she’s got the evidence to prove it. 

This was not on their Bingo card.

The psychiatric community awoke one morning in mid-January to find the foundations of their cash-cow alliance with Big Pharma yanked out from underneath them—and by one of their own.

A new history of antidepressants, authored by a psychiatrist, doesn’t so much make the case for the falsehood of the chemical treatment of depression as it does annihilate it.

Granularly researched with evidence as airtight as it is brutal, Chemically Imbalanced: The Making and Unmaking of the Serotonin Myth by Dr. Joanna Moncrieff, a professor of psychiatry at University College London, indicts and convicts her entire industry for knowingly hawking deadly drugs on the for-profit pretense of “treating” depression.

Dr. Moncrieff resolved to unmask the fraud after leading a team of five top UK and European specialists on a review of studies to determine if there was, in fact, a relationship between the chemical serotonin and depression. Since the 1960s, psychiatrists have insisted—in articles, papers, websites and every platform they could shout from—that a “below-normal” amount of the so-called “feel-good” chemical serotonin is the cause of misery. Then, with the advent of “Selective Serotonin Reuptake Inhibitor” (SSRI) antidepressants in the 1990s, “chemical imbalance” became the Golden Calf psychiatrists and pharmaceutical giants worshipped: Simply jack up the depressed person’s serotonin with antidepressant snake-oil drugs that enrich psychiatrists and Big Pharma and thus remedy that “chemical imbalance.”

But Dr. Moncrieff and her team have thrown cold water on the “you’re-depressed-because-you-need-your-chemicals-rebalanced” party. In findings published in the journal Molecular Psychiatry, she concluded that “there is no evidence of a connection between reduced serotonin levels of activity and depression.”

Read the rest of this article here.


New Research Finds Dangerous Psychedelic Drugs Misrepresented by Psychiatry

With profit as the most obvious motive, psychiatry is pushing dangerous psychedelic drugs at every turn. New research studies are pushing back.

A profiteering pack of psychiatrists have a new money horse to ride into town: trippy hallucinogenic drugs to “cure” every ailment from depression to addiction to anxiety to schizophrenia.

Excited reports from “studies” praise the effects of the brain-scrambling drugs. Just hop on the hokum train, grab a bottle of whatever psychedelic mixture they’re peddling this week, take a big old swig and—they swear—overnight you’ll be right as rain. And, they claim, a growing body of clinical trials say it’s so. Scads of them are currently underway on various psychedelic drugs, from the date-rape drug ketamine to psilocybin and even LSD.

But a daring and concerned group of researchers at the University of Rennes in France has gone against the money-grubbing psychiatric trend, leading a new study of existing clinical trial reports. The researchers found that psychedelics have been wildly misrepresented, inaccurate claims of study results have been improperly exaggerated and the dangers of the drugs have been seriously minimized.

Read the full article here.


CCHR Commends FDA Decision: Psychedelic Drug Ecstasy Not Proven Safe or Effective Treatment for Traumatized Patients

By CCHR National

The U.S. drug regulatory agency examined evidence presented by the company requesting approval for MDMA (ecstasy) and reports from experts examining that evidence before denying approval for the drug as mental health treatment. A medical journal has just retracted three MDMA therapy research papers for ethical violations.

Washington, DC – August 13, 2024 — The U.S. Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has rejected the psychedelic drug MDMA, commonly known as ecstasy or molly, as treatment for post-traumatic stress, a decision that Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR) advocated in its statement submitted to the FDA during a public comment period earlier this year. The FDA’s decision ends the first attempt to gain the agency’s approval for a psychedelic drug treatment.

The FDA concurred with the findings of its advisory committee of independent experts, which held a public hearing in June on the use of MDMA for psychedelic-assisted psychotherapy. The committee voted overwhelmingly that the company which applied for drug approval, Lykos Therapeutics, failed in its clinical trials to prove the treatment was effective, and that benefits from the drug therapy did not outweigh the risks.  READ MORE


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