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Mothers’ Psychiatric Drug Use Increases Risk of Newborns Needing Urgent Medical Attention, New Research Finds

Expectant mothers considering psychiatric drugs should have the increased risks of premature birth and respiratory, circulatory, and feeding problems for their newborns fully disclosed to them by their prescribers.

by CCHR National Affairs Office

Washington, DC – June 26, 2024 — The Citizens Commission on Human Rights (CCHR), a mental health watchdog organization, is calling attention to a new study indicating the increased risks of newborns experiencing respiratory distress, circulatory distress, and feeding problems as a result of their mothers taking psychiatric drugs during pregnancy. Newborns exposed to the drugs in the womb were also more likely to have been born prematurely, researchers found. CCHR is making the research known so that expectant mothers and their prescribers can make fully informed decisions about starting or stopping the drugs.  READ MORE

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